A New Perspective

We offer help now, and a hope for the future. We help you to reduce stress, anxiety, fear, and get you back on track. A New Perspective is a Nonprofit helping people connect and stay plugged in to the help they need.

Your contributions help people when they have no one else.

Donations pay for the sessions people need to work through and grow past their current challenge. We provide the support, curiosity, and guidance for individuals to grow and develop the skillsets required for managing life as it comes.

Make a $ Donation

We need money. We need lots of it to meet the current state of America. Hospitals and Health facilities are hemorraging people that require emotional and mental support organizations for meeting the current state of Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Paralysis, Suicide, Hopelessness, and Homelessness.

Donate Resouces

We can utilize locations, events, vehicles, houses, businesses, podcasts for fundraising, education, awareness, marketing, and growth opportunities.

Donate Your Time

Time is the most precious commodity that we can never get back. We would be incredibly honored to receive your time in helping us make a difference.

Donate Time

We need help getting the word out! Donate your time to spread the word and hand out marketing resources to your local businesses and coffee shops.

Share and inform

Building awareness is our first step. The second step requires taking action and getting engaged.

You can Help!

All you need to do is simply share some information along with our website as a possible starting point for help.

Let us take it from there.

We have informative materials and a resource center for dedicated support. Our private sessions can help anyone that is facing a overwhelming situation or experience.

You and Your Friends Can Be Perspective Advocates!

Use our worksheets and handouts to inform others of the work we are doing and why it matters. You can also become part of our impact volunteer team when we perform outreach activities in your ares.


Donor Pledges go towards providing support sessions.

$ needed yearly

Volunteer hours served in 2024.

lives impacted daily

Operating Locations

How Your Donations Help

We use all Donations to fund marketing and operational costs. We then use the remaining balance of Donations to pay for individual sessions, group sessions, and pay for 3rd party costs for when a person may benefit from a service we do not provide such as attending a private detox center.

Donations Pay for these core services:

  • One on one Sessions with a dedicated Growth Coach.
  • Individual Growth Programs (2-6 weeks)
  • Outside support services with our partners
  • Sponsorship for qualified Individuals to get treatment


Is there a MINIMUM donation amount?

NO! You can donate as little as one penny. We accept donations by mail, online, at fundraisers, and directly to our Fundraising Team.

Are sessions a form of Therapy?

No, our sessions are not a form of therapy. Our sessions focus on the indivual and the powers within. A sessions focus and direction is more of a present centered experience that becomes part of the process.

How much are sessions?

Our single session prices range from $75.00 to $200.00. Our first session is FREE and part of our assessment process to provide the best support possible.

How many sessions do I need?

Only you will know what you need. Initial sessions provide a great healing opportunity that can provide the support you need to align and focus. The experience could get you right back on track, or be the beginning of something new for you. All new things take time, patience, and lots of practice. We are here for you for any journey you choose.

Thank you for Donating Today!